


Hans Petter Melø Dahl


Fondation Love & Orgasm


The Polar Starships





chers amis, enemies, colleagues and otherz
during the summer of 2023
we have changed our name
back to the oldest one, from 1994
and since not everybody would understand
what the dutch word stichting would mean
we are new again as our french translation


fondation love & orgasm


we are preparing Performing Gardens

and the summer is still on
+ digital-RIP for the virtual concept-house ❤ MaisonDahlBonnema❤
our current website is old-new, but you can also check
out the corpse of our oldest and first website
+ by surprise 3 years ago the Dutch Royal Library, de Koninklijke Bibliotheek,
chose our old website to bein a selection of Dutch websites
for future research
our old website:
🧤 🧤
HansPetterMeløDahl AnnaSophiaBonnema

fondation love & orgasm 

old-new website:  &




in the planning, and hopefully to be realized in 2024/2025:



Performing Gardens


All the plants are out tonight Pre-Video #3 Performing Gardens by Fondation Love & Orgasm (realization 2024/2025). Words and music by HPMDahl.

inspired by words and thoughts of Stefano Mancuso

'Love is in the Plants' Pre-Video #2 Performing Gardens by Fondation Love & Orgasm (realization 2024/2025). Words and music by HPMDahl.

Based on John Paul Youngs song from 1978. Special thanx to Jean-Pierre Chalbos @ La Source Mastering - Paris, for the final mastering.

'Then the trees will take over' Pre-Video #1 Performing Gardens by Fondation Love & Orgasm  Words and music by HPMDahl.